I am 50% Left Brain and 50% Right Brain. Interesting...

You Are 50% Left Brained, 50% Right Brained
The left side of your brain controls verbal ability, attention to detail, and reasoning.
Left brained people are good at communication and persuading others.
If you're left brained, you are likely good at math and logic.
Your left brain prefers dogs, reading, and quiet.

The right side of your brain is all about creativity and flexibility.
Daring and intuitive, right brained people see the world in their unique way.
If you're right brained, you likely have a talent for creative writing and art.
Your right brain prefers day dreaming, philosophy, and sports.

Friday, March 18, 2005

Erin go braugh...Good Times and green chips!

Yesterday I headed for the nether regions of the Los Angeles universe (i.e. The Valley). I was really tired and not quite feeling 100% because of a recent cold, but upon my arrival I found out that I was going to attend the tradition Kelsy Grace St. Patrick's Day celebration. Because I'm currently between residences I didn't have any green clothing to wear. I know I know. My favorite color is green. 90% of what I own is green and yet I was still greenless. As a result of having Michelle almost pinch my arm off upon arrival I was franticly searching my friend's apt looking for something green to wear lest I get pinched within an inch of my life. I finally found a postcard with some grass on it and tucked it into my shirt.

When Shannon got there she was like, "no this won't do my family is going to be there and and will pinch you to death." (My worst fears realized). So she offered me a fluffy decorative green scarf to wear. You know the ones girls wear with tank tops because they are fashionable. Well it went against everything I believe in to wear clothing that doesn't serve a functional purpose, but as Shannon and Michelle pointed out I was preserving my very life. So I threw it on and tossed one end over my shoulder and walked out the door with my head high.

We had a great time. We bought green chips and green salsa and pretty much anything else at the store that was green. We had a "traditional" Irish dinner( and by traditional I mean this is what they do) of cornbeef, cabbage and floury white potatoes. It was really tasty except the cornbeef part. I'm not a big meat eater and meat that is still pink is not high on my list. We had apple martinis and heinekens(because they were green and cheap) and good times listening to Irish music and dancing jigs.

I've never been big into celebrating St. Patty's Day. Last year was different, Will was born and I joined my coworkers for a "liquid lunch", but other than that I wear green and pretty much chill out. It was good getting into a festive mood.

I've decided to pick up where I left off in blacksburg. So I'm going to post a weekly restaurant review. So stay tuned for my next post. For those of you who live in a L.A. or will visit it in the near future I'm going to review some good and not so good restaurants in the Los Angeles County. Have a good day and as always enjoy.


Anonymous said...

Yay, restaurant reviews!

Michael Durand said...

i can't wait to read your restaurant reviews! good times...