Don't worry. For those of you awaiting quippy comments about my previous week painting the town red while Daniel was here I will still probably make some more comments, but I wanted to share some other really good news. As you can see from the picture it's always EXCITING times at the Mathnasium where I work. Doesn't little Avrami look excited? He did that on purpose because he knew we were taking pictures. Anyway as most of you know I work part-time at the Mathnasium using the Mathnasium Method to help children learn mathematics. I have to admit that I love this job and the only problem I've ever had with it, is that it isn't full time.
The other day I was riding in the car with my friend and I was telling him that I was thinking of taking some ECE classes at the local college to help broaden my horizons academically since I haven't actually taken any classes that deal directly with educating children. He asked if I was thinking of leaving the Mathnasium and I was like, NO! Actually what I want is to work for the Mathnasium full time with benefits making good money doing what I like to do. That's what I want.
I walked into work and my director Mark said he wanted to talk to me. I got nervous wondering what I had done wrong. But it turns out I was being offered a full time position as director of a Mathnasium that the company is opening up 6 minutes away from my house. Imagine my shock and surprise. Of course I said yes after about 3 minutes of consideration. I started director training today which was interesting. I've been working with the company for a little over a year now so I actually know quite a lot about it all ready. At least the teaching aspects of the job. But I'm still learning the business aspect of the job.
The center I'll be the director of is mainly focusing on children who will attend as a result of the No Child Left Behind gov't grants. Most children attend the Mathnsium because their parents can afford to pay for it, but in reality there are a lot of children who need the same service and can't afford it and that's what No Child Left Behind is about. I think it will be an interesting challenge and I look forward to working closely with one of the companies founders who helped the Mathnasium get the accreditation for gov't approval to use NCLB money.

The only sad part is that I'm leaving the 'nasium where I've been working the past year and I'm really going to miss the children I've been working with. Just look at Francesca...who wouldn't miss a precious angel like this?
Anyway that's all I have to say about that. As always have a good day and enjoy.