For those of you not familiar with BanLon it's an evil material fabricated as part of a sinister plot to unmask all of a person's physical defects. And knowing this people still willingly wear this "stuff". Ok so if you're a supermodel with the perfect body then it's not that big of a deal (not that a supermodel would ever be caught dead wearing banlon). As you can see from my picture here is a couple that is wearing banlon, not bad. If you are more than 200 pounds with more dimples than a newborn babe, then you should not subject other bus riding passengers to the visual assault of having to watch you stand in full view of everyone with nothing underneath a next to transparent banlon ensemble. It's just not right. How is a body supposed to keep food down in those conditions? It's enough just trying to keep from fainting. Luckily I could resort to my trusting book. The problem was having to look up intermittently to make sure I hadn't passed my stop.
I'm sure there was a "Seinfeld" episode about this.
O.k. I'm done venting, back to my real life.
As always have a good day and enjoy.
I guess there's a reason it has the word "ban" in its name (i.e., it should be "ban"ned).
There was a Seinfeld episode that mentioned Ban Lon. It was when Kramer and George's dad tried to sell the man-bra.
Re: Origin of name Ban-lon. It is a type of nyLON developed and patented by the laboratories of Joseph BANcroft & Sons Company.
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